Friday, September 26, 2008



I found out about an hour ago that Sarah Palin is in Philly and she's going to the Irish Pub, which is a really douchey bar down the street from my work. I'm sad to report I went there a couple weeks ago for a going away party for a coworker, had one beer and left.
I find it rather interesting that Palin is HERE because Philly is ridiculously liberal. A bunch of boys I know through a friend I went to college with and who I now work with are going to shout things at her wearing t-shirts they printed themselves. If you'd like to see these gems feel free to look.

I'm sure there will be unlawful arrests of people for yelling lude things at her as usual. Instead of wasting my time on sarah palin, I think I'm just going to go to the Memphis taproom tonight and drink a few beers and watch the debate.

In other news I bought a different sarah palin shirt today because it made me laugh and I have not yet seen anyone wearing it. It came with other free things. yay free.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

a haunting.

Me and my friend Bill used to avidly watch "ghost shows" together while we painted pictures. lately I've been avidly watching a show called A Haunting on the discovery channel. I makes me wonder dumb things occasionally, like maybe if there are so many shows about ghosts that they could possibly be real. I keep these thoughts in the back of my head, though I haven't watched any 'ghost shows' in a couple months.

The other night, say wednesday night I was laying in bed watching six feet under on my computer. I was dozing off and felt a thump in the middle of my bed, about where my knees were. it really freaked me out, especially when I looked over and saw cylar asleep on his bed no where near my bed. I started dozing off again and felt another THUMP. I was secretly very disturbed by this, but tried to ignore it. The third time it happened i decided that it was time for cylar to come up and lay with me in my bed. I eventually fell asleep but kept occasionally feeling my bed move in the middle of the night...cylar still laying there passed out.

I suppose I woke up around 4 or 5 that night and had to go to the bathroom so I opened my bedroom door and out runs the cat I'm fostering. I later found that she ripped open my box spring and burrowed inside...I really don't like cats, at all.

Friday, September 12, 2008

bathroom smathroom.

I finally painted my bathroom the other night. I somehow arrived at this color.

rainy rain.

Its a dreary day in Philadelphia today. Its not very bright in my cubical, which is surrounded by windows. Unfortunately its also supposed to rain tomorrow which is going to stink! My friends Abby and Mike are getting married outside in the PA suburbs, I guess thats what you get when you have a wedding during the highest point of hurricane season. We were supposed to camp out in the yard tomorrow night too, but if its storming I think that I'll just go home to go to sleep.

Nothing much new or exciting. Last night I helped my friend Bill do some gardening at a rich couples house. I mowed the lawn with a push mower, and cleaned up the flower beds a bit. I think they own 3 houses all together, and this one is really nice. Its a carriage house of a giant mansion - which are now two separate properties. The house is in Mount Airy which is a really ritzy area 20 minutes outside Center City. I would totally live there someday, it sort of reminds me of where my parents used to live in New Jersey.

After this I returned home and took Cylar for a walk, we found out that the park I take him to was closed up. It wasn't really a park though, just a huge fenced in area that has a hole in the fence. I'll probably just start taking him somewhere else that has an open area now and toss the ball. He'll never run off if there is a ball or frizbee involved.

now for your viewing pleasure...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I was awoken the other night around 3am to the sound of my dog Cylar vomiting all over my bedroom floor. Luckily I have hardwood floors, but nonetheless its not very fun to be woken up to vomit all over the floor and trying to avoid stepping in it when you walk in the dark to your lightswitch. Sadly this is a somewhat common occurrence but I got up and cleaned it up. I went downstairs to throw away everything and heard a little scurrying in the kitchen, of course it was a mouse. Luckily I have a foster cat, so I found her and threw her on the kitchen counter and moved the canister the mouse was hiding behind. She caught it for me, what a nice foster cat.
I returned to bed around 4 after all this excitement and was about to go to sleep when Cylar started to throw up again. It was an interesting night to say the least.

I actually finished painting my bathroom yesterday, a puke green color I'd say. And I even had time to witness the horror of Andrew Bird's song being featured in a new Marriott commercial. The more disturbing fact was that I was listening to his music while I painted the bathroom and saw it on TV after words.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

food for thought.

I made my derby pie yesterday, its delish. I shared it with some friends who had no idea what I was talking about when I told them I was making a derby pie. They decided that they really liked it too.

now some real food for thought.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

bathroom bathroom bathrooms

I get so overwhelmed with my house sometimes. I bought it in June of 2007, and following in my parents footsteps I looked for the 'best deal,' and when I say 'best deal' that really means a cheap almost falling apart fixer uper.

Now I'm not sure if my house was really the 'best deal' because its just been sooo much work. Practically everything has had to be replaced or gutted or covered up. Every floor in the house has had to be redone minus the living room which has sweet parquet floors but unfortunately they have to be refinished at some point.

At any rate it doesn't ever feel like I'm making any progress or have any clue what I'm doing. I have so many projects going on at once and never seem to finish anything (again following in my dad's footsteps). I find myself most weekends just sitting around staring at things having no clue what I should so I usually just end up cleaning something instead of actually completing any home improvement. But I am glad to report that today I actually did some work on my house.

In a couple weeks my parents are coming over and we're going to install a new half bath on my first floor. I know that for a fact I will now be the only person on my block with 2 bathrooms which makes me excited. Today I decided that since the bathroom is being installed over the parquet floors that I was going to remover that section of floor. There is a mahogany strip that goes around the border of the room and I want to take it out and reinstall it around the border of the new bathroom so it looks like it was always there.

When I finished doing this small feat, which took me about 4 hours I decided to finally finish spackling my upstairs bathroom. Though its been done for 7 months, I've never finished the walls of the bathroom. I think its high time so by tomorrow when everything is dry its going to get a coat of primer. Now my Dad won't be able to scold me the next time they come over like he always does.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008


They opened a new gym in the comcast center this week. It opened on Tuesday the 2nd. I didn't go on Tuesday because I had plans - which fell through - after work. So instead I ended up going today, I almost didn't though because there was supposed to be a soccer game.

Every week a bunch of people that I don't really know play soccer...its never serious they're called 'shitty soccer' on the yahoo group they made and most the time only 6 people show up.

At any rate, there was supposed to be a soccer game, but it fell through so I went to try out the new gym. I lifted weights for about a hour, which was scary because the worst noises I have ever heard were coming out of my knees. I've had my knees both operated on several times so they're not the nicest working knees. I figure if I start lifting weights and building up the muscles in them that I can prevent future troubles...but also I really like to lift weights...I was on the weight team in high school (though no one ever believes this when I tell them). After an hour of weigh lifting I used this elliptical stair climbing machine for 15 minutes. I was pretty tired after that, and shaky but I had to ride my bike home 5 miles still. That was pretty rough riding a bike with jello arms.

Before I left I received a message that soccer was actually going to happen, so I got home at 6:30 ate a bagel and then rode my bike 2 miles to the soccer field. I played soccer for about an hour and left. I stopped by a friends house to say hi on my way home and she gave me a little slice of pecan pie that she made. It was good, but not as good as my moms pecan pie.

Pecan Pie made me think of derby pie and how i wanted to make it so here I sit looking for a recipe. They're pretty hard to find since its a trade marked name...but I've found a couple that could be promising. Maybe I'll have time to run by trader joes tomorrow and pick up some walnuts and try this sucker out. Maybe my brother in law knows a better recipe? He is from Kentucky.