Tuesday, October 28, 2008

t-rex head just needs paint.

Monday, October 27, 2008


Hallween has always been my favorite holiday. I think theres only been one year of my life that I didn't dress up in some strange home made costume that either my mom made or I made from scratch. The last 3 years I've attended a ridiculous halloween party in the suburbs where there is a giant bon fire and people dress up in over the top home made costumes. the first year I went my friends all dressed up as ghost busters characters. They even made the car, and someone was a giant marshmallow man. The car was life sized and had working lights on it. Thats pretty ridiculous.

This year I've just been so so busy that I had no motivation to even think of what I wanted to be. Last year I was a shark, which was an amazing costume I threw together in a few hours and probably spent 10 dollars making. There was no way in my head I could think of anything to make a better costume than last year, but leave it to me to wait until the last minute and think something ridiculous up. Last night I started working on a t-rex costume. I made the head out of one cardboard box, and a couple brown paper bags so far its taken about 4 hours to make but I'm almost done. I think I'll be able to finish it tonight by adding a little more paper and painting it. then tomorrow I'll start sewing the costume together. Thankfully there is a really really dirt cheap fabric store in philly so I'll probably have a costume for under 10 dollars again this year. I'm so frugal.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

happy birthday to me.

My birthday week started out to my car getting hit while it was parked front of my house. It was 8pm on Monday night, I heard a loud THUMP - which I thought was probably a piece of drywall I had propped up against the wall just falling down, but I went outside to check. there was nothing out there, but my neighbor said he saw a mini van speeding down the street and told me to check my car. So I looked at saw this.

Sigh. I called the police and filed a report, found out its going to cost me a 250 deductible to fix- not too bad.

Last night I went to bed and then heard my roomie knock on my door. She told me that there was a bunch of water in the basement. I guess the pipe fell out of the kitchen drain and all the water was just pouring into the floor. It was 12am and I spent and hour vacuuming up water and moving things around. nothing really got ruined other than some old rugs but I think they can be salvaged. I wasn't going to go to work today because I thought I needed to spend more time drying things, but it wasn't so bad in the basement.

I am going to go home after lunch though because I have to fix the pipe and then I have to take my car in for an estimate at the shop I'm going to in Media. What a birthday!

My newish roommate Frank told me he couldn't believe how calm I was when all these things happened the past two days. He told me he would have been freaking out. I just told him that I was used to things like this happening to me and I 'wasn't really surprised' by them. I also told him that I don't have emotions...but not really, I just am not the type that freaks out over things that happen. I don't really drive my car much so its not going to really really effect me much getting it fixed...and the basement flood didn't really ruin anything and now the floor is really really clean...so...sure its upsetting to have someone hit your car and run...and it sucks to have to spend time cleaning up the basement when you'd rather be sleeping, but worse things have happened and I probably will forget about most of it anyway.

At any rate I did see this clip of small town values to cheer me up.