Monday, August 25, 2008

I painted this awhile ago, but I never posted it because I've been so busy with fostering dogs. I've had 3 dogs in my house at various times over the past month and a half. 3 dogs is way too many and I don't think i ever want that many again. Having two seems like no work at all now that the 3rd one (I was dog sitting a former foster dog)is gone. Anyway. This is a bubble blowing rocket I own. I guess I'm painting things I own, on trashy wood I pulled out of my house. Hopefully I'll have some time soon to make some new paintings...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Plain Jane.

I sold one of my (many) bikes this week for $150. It was the second one I ever painted, it was my favorite but it was time to sell it since I never rode it EVER. I think I spent 30 dollars fixing it up, and it was free. Not a bad profit.
for sale

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I am so sick of dogs...yeah its true. Maybe I'm just sick of Doodle who I'm dog sitting for the week....he's crazy and has really bad manners that I broke of him when I fostered him but since he was adopted he's back and even worse than ever! I'm not really sure if its worth 25 dollars a day to watch him, but oh well he's here to stay. And Alvin my other foster is driving me crazy too. I think I need a break from all these happy that doodle is going home to his family on saturday...only 2 more days!

In other lame news, I've been cleaning my house with vinegar water instead of household cleaners in a feeble attempt to save money. I've had lots of complaints about the smell from the other residents in my house so I mixed in a little tea tree oil which does the trick, and a little goes a lonnnng way.
its been awhile, but in my defense I haven't made any artwork in a long long time. I blame it on my house that I bought a year ago which is still a large work in progress. At any rate I have painted some new paintings. I chicken and 3 marbles. I painted them all in one day and my friend Bill ended up buying my chicken painting. He bought me dinner, and I gave him the painting.

They're painted on old wood from my house, they're not very big either. Its a problem I have, not painting anything very large.