This year I've just been so so busy that I had no motivation to even think of what I wanted to be. Last year I was a shark, which was an amazing costume I threw together in a few hours and probably spent 10 dollars making. There was no way in my head I could think of anything to make a better costume than last year, but leave it to me to wait until the last minute and think something ridiculous up. Last night I started working on a t-rex costume. I made the head out of one cardboard box, and a couple brown paper bags so far its taken about 4 hours to make but I'm almost done. I think I'll be able to finish it tonight by adding a little more paper and painting it. then tomorrow I'll start sewing the costume together. Thankfully there is a really really dirt cheap fabric store in philly so I'll probably have a costume for under 10 dollars again this year. I'm so frugal.

Is Cylar going to dress-up?
nope. I guess I could sew him a little dino costume
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