Being on Philly Roller Girls holds some interesting opportunities on occasion from what I can gather. Robot chicken, if you don't know - is a show on adult swim which is on sunday nights on comedy central. Anyway, as a promotion robot chicken was driving across the country promoting with a roller skating party. They came to philly and asked some of the philly roller girls to come as special guests. I don't really watch robot chicken anymore (I used to) and I don't really like seth green (i never have) but I did get credit for practice for going to this, and it sounded interesting. Becky and I and about 20 other girls got put on a special list to get in early. The line outside for this event was pretty insane, hundreds of people were lined up to get in, and I'm pretty sure most of them didn't. We got to cut up front and enter the event an hour and a half early.
I saw seth green, he's really short and he has a trashy looking girlfriend. He was skating around and people were taking pictures of him. I guess its pretty cool that he'd be mingling amongst a bunch of weirdo people that are obsessed with default you have to be a weirdo for liking seth green in my opinion.
I don't have any pictures of him as I don't own a point and shoot camera anymore...and the night was rather lame. The most fun of the night is when me and the other PRG girls whipped around the rink weaving around all the fans that were there pissing them off and pretty much clearing the rink because we were bothering people...we eventually got yelled at and it wasn't fun anymore so me and becky left and watched some good old LOST on tv.
Isla, 14-15 Months
10 years ago