me at adult skate wearing my holiday sweatshirt my mom made me as a kiddie.
I guess my usual explanation of adult skate is this: Most the people there are over the age of 65, and no one is usually under the age of 50 (besides us). All the people dress up in their 'outfits' The men wear club shirts, or nice 'skating pants' the women wear 'skating outfits.' You know, like the ones they wear in the Olympic ice skating competitions? There are soooo many couples skates, and waltzes that only 1/3 of the people there usually do...There is live organ music, usually all the same songs play for example sweet caroline, build me up buttercup and jeramiah was a bullfrog. Really though, this night can't be explained, you kind of have to just go...plus us 'young people' make the 'adults' really happy. They always tell us to 'come back next week.'
a little glimpse at 'adult skate'